The game sets in a quantum virtual world of the future, players have the ability to collect Quantum Cube Energy by destroying things and use it to build anything they need. Any vertical surface in the Cyber Hunter world is climbable and players can glide down from high up. POL_Shortcut "bin\client.Cyber Hunter is an open sandbox battle royale game featuring an unique combination of gaming elements, including survival, shooting, building and exploring. POL_SetupWindow_InstallMethod "LOCAL,DOWNLOAD" Tried: bin/client.exe (same issue), d3dx9_43 + compiler, d3dx9, directx9, DXVK_171, d3dcompiler_46, -82,7 +80,7 Main part of this script #

# Wine amd64 5.0.2, 4.0.4, 4.21: game (launcher.exe) fail to launch (nothing happens). +# - 'cyber_hunter_global_20200616.exe' (4 GB) + a 800 MB update autodownloaded. # - 'cyber_hunter_global_20200616.exe' + a 800 MB update autodownloaded. POL_Shortcut "bin\client.exe" "$TITLE - Bin\Client" "" "" "Game Shooter "Įxit 0 -8,15 +8,13 Playonlinux version used : 4.3.4 # POL_Shortcut_Document "$TITLE" "readme.txt" POL_Shortcut "launcher.exe" "$TITLE" "" "" "Game Shooter " POL_SetupWindow_browse "Please select the. # POL_SetupWindow_message "IMPORTANT: End the installation before to try to play." "$TITLE" # Set Graphic Card information keys for wine # Asking about memory size of graphic card POL_Wine_PrefixCreate "$WORKING_WINE_VERSION" POL_RequiredVersion 4.3.0 || POL_Debug_Fatal "$TITLE won't work with $APPLICATION_TITLE $VERSION\nPlease update."

POL_SetupWindow_presentation "$TITLE" "$EDITOR" "$GAME_URL" "$AUTHOR" "$PREFIX"

# Same 'fail to launch' issue in 32 bits mode. # Wine amd64 5.12, 5.16, 5.17: game (launcher.exe) fail to launch (crash window, clicking the button Details does only close the window). Tried: bin/client.exe (same issue), d3dx9_43 + compiler, d3dx9, directx9, DXVK_171, d3dcompiler_46, d3dcompiler_47. # Software based on: DirectX 9 (v43), vcrun2010. # - 'cyber_hunter_global_20200616.exe' (4 GB) + a 800 MB update autodownloaded.

# Software version used to write this script: # Distribution used to test : Ubuntu 18.04 圆4 (Linux kernel v5.4)